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Items can be viewed and ordered by visiting our Publix Specialty Floral page,*,*, or the Publix Delivery App and/or Instacart App, and selecting the Publix Specialty Floral storefront.

*Item prices vary from item prices in physical store locations. Fees, tips & taxes may apply. Subject to terms & availability. By clicking this link, you will leave and enter the Instacart site which they operate and control.

Shopping and placing orders for Publix Specialty Floral offers the same customer experience as traditional Instacart orders.

Publix Specialty Floral orders ship directly via FedEx and cannot be picked up at a store or delivered by Instacart.

Publix Specialty Floral features unique products throughout the year that are not usually sold in our stores. Examples include specialty bouquets, event boxes and complete wedding packages.

These items ship directly to the recipient from Publix Specialty Floral.

Publix Specialty Floral delivers to counties in which Publix operates physical stores. Feel free to search delivery areas on our locations page .

Publix Specialty Floral wedding orders can usually be placed as early as 60 days prior to the delivery date and must be ordered at least 22 days prior to the desired delivery date (wedding orders must be delivered 2-3 days prior to the event, to ensure time for flowers to rehydrate).

Please note, delivery is only available Monday–Thursday.

Publix Specialty Floral non-wedding orders can usually be placed as early as 60 days prior to the desired delivery date and must be ordered at least five (5) days prior to the desired delivery date.

Currently, delivery is only available Monday–Thursday.

Publix Specialty Floral orders are delivered via FedEx.

Publix Specialty Floral orders are processed through Instacart. So, Instacart will be noted on your statement.

Payments for Publix Specialty Floral are handled by Instacart, so only Instacart gift cards can be used toward Publix Specialty Floral purchases.

A hold for the final and full purchase price will be placed on your card at the time the order is placed; however, your card will not be charged until your order is shipped.

All billing inquiries should be directed to Instacart. They can be reached by emailing or calling 1 (888) 246-7822.

Questions regarding items ordered or delivery should be directed to Publix Specialty Floral. Please call 1 (800) 571-6488, Monday–Saturday, 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. ET.

Yes! Details of your order and delivery will be sent to the email address provided at the time the order was placed.

At this time, orders cannot be “edited.” If you need to change your order, please cancel the order, and resubmit your order with your desired changes. A cancellation option can be found in your Instacart account (which is also linked in your confirmation email).

Wedding orders can be canceled up to ten (10) days before the selected delivery date. A cancellation option can be found in your Instacart account (which is also linked in your confirmation email).

Event/Occasion orders can be canceled up to ten (10) days before the selected delivery date. A cancellation option can be found in your Instacart account (which is also linked in your confirmation email).

Gift orders can be canceled up to five (5) days before the selected delivery date. A cancellation option can be found in your Instacart account (which is also linked in your confirmation email).

After canceling an order, you will see the cancellation noted in your account, and you will receive an emailed confirmation, from Instacart, confirming your cancellation.