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crazy in love with your pet

The Calm in the Storm

When it comes to prepping for storm season, it’s always best to plan ahead. Waiting until the last minute can be stressful, and you might end up forgetting a few necessities. But if you have a pet, there’s even more planning to do. Food, leashes, collars, tags, vaccination records, the list goes on! And those are just the basics. Be ready for any situation by preparing a pet storm-readiness kit that you can keep around the house or take in the car if you need to evacuate.

Pet Storm-Readiness Kit

  • Gauze pads and self-adhering bandages: Bandages are a must for any first aid kit, but don’t forget your pet can get cuts and scrapes, too.
  • Bottled water and pet food: Have at least a week’s worth of food and water for every family member, including your furbaby.
  • Pet carrier: If you need to evacuate, having a pet carrier will make traveling much easier.
  • Tweezers: Storms tend to leave a lot of debris that your pet could easily step on. Keep these on hand in case your pet gets a splinter.
  • Saline Solution: To clean any cuts or scratches before bandaging.
  • Medicine: If your pet takes any daily medicines, make sure you refill their supply before the storm and have it handy.
  • Rescue Alert Sticker: Place a rescue alert sticker in the window of your home or car so that, in the event of an emergency, first responders will be aware that there is a pet that needs to be saved.
  • Treats and Toys: If your pet needs first aid, you’ll want to keep them happy and comfortable throughout the process. What better way to do that than with their favorite goodies?
