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Tips for smart stretching.

As you train for your big race, remember to stretch.

Before stretching, spend five to ten minutes warming up, as stretching cold muscles may increase your chances of injury. A simple warm-up might be easy walking or light jogging while swinging your arms in a wide circle. The general recommendation for people starting an exercise program is to perform gentle dynamic-type stretches before a workout and static stretches after exercise.

Dynamic stretching involves controlled movements that closely mimic the exercise. Hip swings, leg kicks, knee-high jogs, and stretching lunge walks are all great dynamic stretches for runners. The goal of dynamic stretching is to prepare the muscles for the activity at hand.

When performing a static stretch:

  • Take a deep breath and slowly exhale as you gently stretch the muscle to a point of tension.
  • Hold the stretch thirty seconds. For problem areas, you may need to hold for around sixty seconds. Repeat the stretch two to four more times.

Avoid these stretching mistakes:

  • Don't bounce a stretch. Holding a stretch is more effective and less likely to result in injury.
  • Don't stretch a muscle that is not warmed up.
  • Don't strain or push a muscle too far. If a stretch hurts, ease up.
  • Don't hold your breath during the stretch. Continue to breathe normally.

Source: Mayo Clinic Staff. Stretching: Focus on Flexibility. Mayo Clinic. February 12, 2022.