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Tips for choosing your foods.

Whether you're training in the morning or the evening, a pre-workout snack helps prevent hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), enhancing your stamina and endurance. Carbohydrate intakes of 1–4 g/kg of body weight are recommended 1–4 hours before exercise. Or if you are unable to eat a meal or snack before your workout, eating or drinking about 30 grams easily digested carbohydrates (energy gels or sports drinks) 5–15 minutes before exercise may improve performance.1 Experiment with easily digested foods such as toast, cereal, an English muffin, or a banana. If you can't tolerate solids, try sports drinks, juices, or energy gels.

Play with your pre-workout nutrition to determine the best timing and your tolerance for foods. Everyone is different, so listen to your body rather than advice from a friend or an article from a running magazine. Whatever you choose to eat before a workout, keep these tips in mind:

  • To maintain blood sugar levels, choose foods high in carbohydrates.
  • To minimize stomach issues, opt for low-fat, low-fiber foods that are easily digested.
  • Remember fluids to maintain your hydration.

1Source:Thomas, D. Travis, Kelly Anne Erdman, and Louise M. Burke. Nutrition and Athletic Performance. American College of Sports Medicine. March 2016.