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Think Halloween is a kids-only holiday? Don't let that idea haunt you: Costume parties, festive food, and holiday décor are just as fun for the grown-ups as they are for children. Even better, as an adult you don't have to go door-to-door to ask for treats. A buffet of hors d'oeuvres and a wine-infused drink will keep everyone in good spirits.

Plus, to complete the spread, and you'll be a graveyard smash.

Happy Halloween Menu

Sparkling Pinot Punch

Sparkling Pinot PunchA signature drink makes every party feel a little more put-together, even if it takes you only minutes to prepare. Pomegranate seed-studded ice cubes add panache to a bloody good Sparkling Pinot Punch, made with both pinot noir and sparkling wine.

Shrimp with Pea and Fennel Puree

Shrimp with Pea and Fennel PureeShrimp with Pea and Fennel Puree does the famous shrimp cocktail one better. Poach the shrimp in a dry white wine like pinot grigio or sauvignon blanc, then serve the wine alongside the light, elegant dish. (No time to poach? Pick up precooked shrimp at Publix and serve with homemade puree.)

Blue Cheese-Stuffed Martini Olives

Blue Cheese-Stuffed Martini OlivesKids are always amused by peeled-grape "eyeballs," but grown-ups deserve a slightly more sophisticated snack. Blue Cheese-Stuffed Martini Olives look impressive, but get their fanciness from the simple use of a pastry piping tip. Serve with chardonnay.

Sweet Potato Cheesecake Bites with Bacon Crumble

Sweet Potato Cheesecake Bites with Bacon CrumbleWith their ruddy orange hue and smattering of pumpkin pie spice, Sweet Potato Cheesecake Bites with Bacon Crumble supply a perfectly thematic dessert appetizer for the season. Serve with a spicy, fruity shiraz or malbec.

Chicken Wings with Sherry Glaze

Chicken Wings with Sherry GlazeWhat's a party without wings? With these Chicken Wings with Sherry Glaze, a slow cooker does all the work of transforming the wings into a sticky-sweet saucy sensation. Serve with zinfandel; its softer tannins work well with this plum sauce-forward dish.