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When you know what to look for, that's when it really gets fun to shop for wine. You can choose the perfect wine to complement a meal, a season, or your mood. You'll get more for your money. And you can experiment with wines you've never tried before that are likely to be amazing.

Start by browsing our wine aisle and choosing a wine for dinner tonight—our Wine Simplified symbols can help guide you. Learn how to read a wine label and feel more confident about trying something new. Or select a wine to please your guests by learning about varietals and flavor descriptions—if your best friends love Chardonnay, they may be delighted to try a Viognier. 

Up your wine knowledge ante with tips on what goes with which occasion and serving suggestions to make the most of food and wine together. The great thing about wine is that learning is so much fun.

Enjoy the adventure.

Just remember, no two wines are alike. So even though knowledge puts you at an advantage, you'll still experience an element of surprise with every new bottle. Which is all part of the magic.